Last updated: 4.22.23

Every week, I receive several messages seeking connections, insights, and advice on UX Design. However, it's difficult for me to respond as efficiently or thoughtfully as I would like.

with that in mind, I decided to compile some thoughts and resources in one place to help any new UX designers out there who are looking to grow and sharpen their skills.

Please note that I still have a long way to go on my own UX journey, so these are not necessarily the "right" or the only ways to do things. They are simply things I've picked up along the way and am actively refining every day. Feel free to remix any insights you find and make them work for you.

<aside> 🤓 Good Place to Start — Stuff in my own words.

5 ways to generate legitimate UX experience w/ no previous experience

5 things every UX Designer should do during their job hunt

5 ways to prepare for your UX Design interview

5 things to do after your interview

5 ways ways to be effective once you Land your job

Resume Refinement Kit


💎 Useful gems & resources

Further education


Job hunt related

Case studies

Inspiration for work

Sharpening your skills

Other resources